What do you do when you still have flies?
Your barn is clean, the manure is under control and its dry everywhere, but you still have annoying flies, what do you do? There are lots of options out there; the trick is finding the option that works best for you and your horses. Some of the options available are sprays, gels, natural solids, fly paper/traps, barn misters, predators, feed thru supplements, and actual fly protection. Each has pros and cons to them. Your job is to figure out which system(s) fit for the current situation.
Fly Papers/Traps are another useful Fly tool. One plus side is that they collect and kill the annoying flies; the down side is that it can be unsightly and dangerous. There really isn’t much more to say that they collect and remove. Being unsightly is fairly obvious too, to see a bottle of liquid hanging from the ceiling with dozens of dead flies, yuck. Now what a lot of people don’t realize is that they can be dangerous if placed in the wrong place. They should never be in a horse’s stall, or an area where a horse can get stuck to or into them. I have seen firsthand a horse get tangled up in fly paper and completely freak out causing a rather large wood splinter get lodged into their foot. These can be helpful when used correctly
Another option is full barn misters. This system is laid out in the barn to spray fly sprays from misters placed throughout the barn. Typically there is one mister in each stall and room and a couple down each aisle. This option provides continuous protection without any work on your part. You set it on a timer and you are done. However just as with the fly spray, majority of the options for misters contain the pyrethrins, pyrethrums, and pyrethroids. Another option that will do the same job as a mister is natural solids insect repellent. Natural solids are activated by the air creating a “cloud” that repels the flies and other insects. The biggest difference aside from the material that makes up each is that one leaves a fine mist over everything while the other creates a cloud that lingers.
An option I can’t really see much of a down side to, is fly predators. Fly predators is an insect that’s main purpose in life is to stop the reproductive cycle of certain stable and house flies. So though they may be insects themselves, fly predators are helpful insects that get rid of the annoying flies. They are a natural, environmentally friendly means to eliminate the types of flies that cause the most harm around your barn. They are smaller than their foes and resemble ants with wings.
There has, for a long time, been the thought that by feeding your horse garlic or apple cider vinegar it will help repel flies. They must have been on to something back in the old days, because today there are several different bands and combinations of natural ingredients that offer some relief to flies and other insects. Finding which one works for your horse might take some sampling. So if one doesn’t work test another, each horse responds and reacts differently.
One last way to help protect against flies, at least for your horse, is all the fly gear available today. You have fly masks, ear nets, fly sheets and wraps that go around your horses legs. Lots of different options and lay outs, the challenge is figuring out what fit your horse’s needs. However when buying articles of clothing for your horses make sure it is the right fit and size. And make sure you take it off regularly so make sure nothing has been missed underneath.
I know that I have missed a few fly controlling options out there but for the most part the above listed is most of them. There are lots of different options and ways to help with the annoying flies and pesky insects. The trick is figuring out what works best for you in the current situation. Remember it is not about finding one cure all option, there most likely will be a combination of a few that works best. And when one option stops working know that there are always others and new ways and new products come up all the time.
Happy Riding
Juli is a BugPellent guest blogger. Would you like to contribute to our blog? email info@bugpellent.com
Juli is a BugPellent guest blogger. Would you like to contribute to our blog? email info@bugpellent.com